Pressure Serving Groups
Serving in a game, especially in pressure situations like game point, can be very different from serving in a normal practice setting because of the mental component.
In these pressure serving group sessions, we aim to mimic some of these external factors, as well as discussing and practicing different tools so that we can get better at this part of serving!
In addition to practicing the physical skills involved in serving, these sessions include opportunities to practice overcoming the sounds, distractions, fear of potential consequences, past mistakes, mental chatter, worries about “letting the team down”, and even heckling crowds, so that our athletes can “get out of their head” and play great volleyball even in pressure situations!
Q: How many people will be in these groups?
A: No more than 10 athletes
Q: Does it matter what level my athlete is?
A: Nope! All ages and skill levels are welcome! There will be components that include “consequences” for missed serves, so that may be a factor; but we can adjust these expectations based on each athlete.